Frequently Asked Questions


How long is each session?

Sessions are 50 minutes.

What does a session typically look like?

During your first session, I will ask you questions about what brings you to counseling and gather some basic information that will help me better understand your situation. Following this session, we will begin working on creating the changes you want to see in your life.

What about child/teen therapy?

During the first session I will typically spend at least 30 minutes with the caregiver only. This will give us an opportunity to discuss your child/teen in depth without them having to sit through a rundown of all their worst experiences. Following this session, I typically spend the majority of the sessions with the child and provide a 5-15 minute check in with the parent afterwards. This will give me a chance to update you on what we are working on, hear any feedback from you, and provide you will some skills/tools to best support your child. However, this is not set in stone. We will discuss the type of structure that will work best for your needs.

How often are appointments?

Generally, it is helpful to meet weekly, at least in the beginning while we are establishing a relationship and working through issues. We may discuss tapering down to meeting every other week or once a month when we feel it’s appropriate for you.

How many sessions are needed?

This is such a difficult question to answer because this varies so much and so many different factors go into this. Therapy is not one size fits all; it is a process and we will work collaboratively to meet your goals.

What if I still don’t know?

It is important to find a therapist that is a good fit for you. Therefore, I offer free 15 minute phone consultations. I am also happy to answer any additional questions you may have by email.